September 1st, 2017 Financial Commission, a leading external dispute resolution (EDR) organization catering to the financial services industry, operated by FinaCom PLC, today announces that the membership status of G.E.B. Global Equity Brokers (Belize) Limited (GEB Invest) and its sister brand EQTrades has ceased following a voluntary withdrawal.




GEB Invest and EQTrades had met its obligations as a Financial Commission members in all cases where complaints had been brought forward against the broker up until September 1st, 2017 when its membership was effectively withdrawn.


Financial Commission notes that it will not be able to process any new complaints from GEB Invest and EQTrades, following its voluntary withdrawal of membership from Financial Commission as of the date of this announcement and moving forward or until membership is approved again.

Furthermore, GEB Invest and EQTrades clients will not be eligible for reimbursement from Financial Commission’s compensation fund as a non-members, since the compensation fund can only be used by clients of approved members, and subject to ruling by our Dispute Resolution Committee. The compensation fund is designed to help protect members’ clients in exceptional cases and is funded by Financial Commission from a portion of membership dues.

An updated list of current and prior members can be found on, including members that have either been expelled, suspended, or withdrawn voluntarily.

Financial Commission is a leading independent self-regulatory organization whose members include online brokerages and exchanges, across Forex, CFDs, derivative and cryptocurrency markets, as well as certified providers and developers of trading platform technology used by members and their end-clients who are retail traders and investors.

Financial Commission requires that member firms strictly adhere to membership rules to maintain good standing on an ongoing basis. To learn more about our membership requirements and certification process, contact us or visit

August 30th, 2017, The Financial Commission, a leading financial services independent external dispute resolution (EDR) organization, today announced the successful certification of an investment platform provided by RAMMFX

rammfx The Financial Commission conducted its rigorous review of RAMMFX investment platform, to ensure they met the technical information requirements of the Commission’s technology certification evaluation process. The Financial Commission established a comprehensive list of points to verify including system security, capacity, business disaster recovery and a continuity plan, as well as reporting and record keeping, among other fields deemed important to certify.


Financial Commission Chairman Peter Tatarnikov said regarding the new certification, “In order to provide traders with fair dispute resolution we must fully understand their system’s construction and working process. RAMM investment platform is the latest technology certified by the Financial Commission. We will be happy to see more software providers certifying their products with us. Today we gladly announce successful certification of RAMM  investment platform and believe it is a great step to leverage its credibility and grow its business globally.”

About RAMM

RAMM (Risk Allocation & Money Management) is an investment platform for a wide audience of users. It’s a signal service from the legal viewpoint, offering accuracy and high execution speed of client’s orders due to their aggregation. Embedded risk management allows investors to choose their own optimal balance between yield and capital protection. New brokers get ability to offer their clients attractive investment opportunities due to the Shared Strategies option.

About Financial Commission

The Financial Commission is an external dispute resolution (EDR) organization for consumers/traders who are unable to resolve disputes with financial services providers that are members of the Financial Commission. The Financial Commission set out to provide a new approach for traders and brokers alike to resolve any issues that arise in the course of trading the Forex market. The Financial Commission was established to be a neutral 3rd party committee to fairly review and resolve complaints in an effort to facilitate a simpler, swifter resolution than through industry regulators and the legal system.

Technology developers seeking membership status with the Financial Commission can learn more about the process and expected requirements as part of the technology certification process in advance of applying for membership or in the preparation of submitting an application.

For more information, please contact The Financial Commission: [email protected]

29 Agustus 2017, Financial Commission, sebuah organisasi penyelesai sengketa eksternal yang berbasiskan anggota bagi pialang daring internasional dan nasabah-nasabah mereka, yang berpartisipasi di pasar valuta asing (forex), derivatif dan mata uang kripto global, hari ini mengumumkan perluasan cakupan sertifikasi Teknologi Finansial (Fintech) bagi perusahaan-perusahaan yang mencari/mengumpulkan modal (emiten) melalui penawaran Koin atau disebut dengan Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs).

Selain menyediakan jasa penyelesaian sengketa kepada konsumen produk-produk keuangan ritel yang ditawarkan oleh anggota, Financial Commission juga mensertifikasi platform teknologi perdagangan bagi pialang dan bursa , yang dioperasikan di pasar valutas asing (forex), derivatif dan mata uang kripto sejak 2014.

Komite Sertifikasi Initial Coin Offering (ICC)

Sebagai bagian dari layanan sertifikasi ICO, Financial Commission dengan bangga mengumumkan pembentukan Komite Sertifikasi ICO (ICC), yang terdiri dari ahli-ahli Fintech yang berasal dari pasar valuta asing dan mata uang kripto, dimana mereka akan membantu mendorong standar sertifikasi dan protokol dan dengan dukungan Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) Financial Commission, yang sudah terbentuk lebih awal.


Anggota pendiri ICC, Ketua Financial Commission, Peter Tatarnikov, menyatakan: “Layanan sertifikasi ICO merupakan tambahan natural kepada layanan sertifikasi teknologi yang telah ada bagi perusahaan-perusahaan Fintech. Popularitas pendanaan kripto (Cryptofinancing) melalui ICO terus meroket namun masih banyak kendala bagi emiten dan investor dalam prosesnya – jadi diperlukan penyusunan praktik terbaik bagi perusahaan-perusahaan Fintech yang ingin mengumpulkan modal melalui pendanaan kripto dan Financial Commission senang menawarkan layanan sertifikasi  bagi perusahaan yang memenuhi syarat yang ingin menggelar ICO.

Sertifikasi terbatas pada penilaian yang dilakukan oleh ICC berdasarkan platform mata uang kripto emiten yang selaras dengan serangkaian kriteria yang telah ditentukan oleh ICC, beberapa diantaranya mungkin wajib untuk mendapatkan persetujuan sertifikasi. Financial Commission hanya akan menerbitkan sertifikasi ketika semua persyaratan tanpa kecuali telah dipenuhi oleh perusahaan yang mendaftar untuk sertifikasi ICO dan standar sertifikasi ICO akan terus berkembang berdasarkan pengarahan Komite Sertifikasi ICO Financial Commission”.

Seruan untuk Praktik Terbaik dan Standar Industri ICO

Financial Commission sepenuhnya mendukung kebutuhan akan praktik terbaik yang akan didirikan bagi emiten ICO. ICC akan membantu mengarahkan upaya ini dan akan disokong oleh Fintech, blockchain, valuta asing dan para ahli dan penasehat industri pasar mata uang kripto yang akan menyusun garis haluan praktik terbaik dan standar yang wajib diikuti setiap emiten ICO juga sebagai bagian dari proses Sertifikasi ICO.

Oleh karena struktur organisasi dan pengalaman bekerja dengan perusahaan internasional termasuk diluar negeri dan wilayah hukum yang sedang berkembang, Financial Commission diposisikan secara ideal untuk memenuhi meningkatnya permintaan berbagai perusahaan yang mencari modal melalui ICO dengan cara menyediakan layanan Sertifikasi ICO kepada perusahaan internasional.

Financial Commission menyambut para ahli industri Layanan Keuangan (Financial Services (Finserv)) ke dalam komunitas Fintech untuk mendaftar dan mengisi posisi komite – pertimbangan aplikasi – di dalam ICC yang baru saja terbentuk, memberi sokongan kepada upaya peningkatan standar emiten ICO.

Fokus pada ICO Fintech

Blockchain dan mata uang kripto adalah penting bagi Fintech – berdasarkan makalah riset  terkini dari Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Jumlah dana yang dikucurkan perusahaan modal usaha – yang ditopang blockchain terus meningkat per Q2 2017, data yang dikumpulkan oleh CB Insights seperti terlihat pada kutipan berikut:



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Layanan sertifikasi ICO Financial Commission akan tersedia khususnya bagi Perusahaan Fintech  yang ingin mengumpulkan dana melalui ICO atau sudah mengumpulkan dana dan ingin melakukannnya kembali melalui penawaran baru. Financial Commission mewajibkan perusahaan agar memperlihatkan kepatuhan terhadap serangkaian persyaratan untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi dan seperti yang diminta oleh ICC Financial Commission.

Financial Commission hanya akan mengeluarkan sertifikasi setelah sebuah perusahaan menenuhi semua persyaratan tanpa kecuali seperti yang telah ditetapkan oleh ICC.  Meski sertifikasi bukanlah indikasi apakah ICO akan sukses atau gagal maupun bertindak sebagai sokongan atas kesesuaian ICO untuk investor manapun, Financial Commission tetap mengharuskan setiap ICO wajib menenuhi serangkaian kriteria minimum yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi karena ketika standar ini meningkat kualitasnya maka akan membantu berkontribusi pada peningkatkan standar industri secara keseluruhan untuk para emiten ICO.

Sifat hubungan kepada emiten ICO

Komite Financial Commission termasuk ICC, DRC, dan para pemegang sahamnya, dewan anggota, anggota, para penasehat, konsultan dan staff lainnya atau kontraktor yang mungkin terlibat – baik langsung maupun tidak – kepentingan investor modal usaha venture capital) atau investor ritel yang sudah berinvestasi di atau seseorang yang tengah mempertimbangkan untuk berinvestasi diberbagai ICO yang diajukan/dibawa ke Financial Commission untuk sertifikasi/pertimbangan.

Oleh karena ICC Financial Commission akan menguji banyak ICO terkait hubungan diatas, maka sertifikasi hanya bisa dikeluarkan ketika pelamar sertifikasi ICO tunduk kepada semua standar wajib ICC.

Cakupan Sertifikasi

Seperti disebutkan diatas, ICC akan mensertifikasi emiten platform mata uang kripto yang dinilai pantas untuk melakukan penawaran dan selaras dengan karakteristik penawaran yang telah dicantumkan pada kertas putih. Laporan sertifikasi ICC tidak boleh dijadikan sebagai dasar investasi, keuangan, hukum, pajak atau saran dalam bentuk apapun dan tidak boleh digunakan sebagai pengganti untuk pengambilan keputusan mandiri. Investor bertanggung jawab melakukan penyelidikan dan analisa sendiri dari informasi yang terkandung di dalam laporan sertifikasi.

Tentang Financial Commission

Didirikan pada 2013, Financial Commission merupakan Organisasi Mandiri yang didukung oleh industri ini dimana para anggotanya bergabung secara sukarela, setelah mendapat persetujuan dan mematuhi secara ketat peraturan keanggotaan , untuk menjaga nama baik.

Financial Commission memberi solusi kepatuhan yang efisien kepada para anggotanya, disamping mekanisme Penyelesaian Sengketa Eksternal (External Dispute Resolution (EDR)) yang bertindak sebagai saluran efektif dalam memproses keluhan nasabah perusahaan yang menjadi anggota.

Layanan sertifikasi ICO saat ini akan ditawarkan oleh entitas Financial Commission St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), FinaCom Ltd. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang layanan sertifikasi teknologi Financial Commission, termasuk layanan sertifikasi ICO untuk perusahaan-perusahaan Fintech, klik disini  atau kunjungi

Tentang ICO

Berinvestasi di ICO merupakan bentuk paling spekulatif dari modal usaha (venture capital), sebanding dengan private-placements (penempatan sejumlah modal) yang terjadi sebelum perusahaan mencari tambahan modal melalui initial Public offering (IPO) dengan mendaftarkan perusahaan di bursa; akan tetapi, ada banyak perbedaan (dan resikonya meningkat) pada pendanaan-crypto dibandingkan dengan metode-metode tradisional.

Statistik ICO Saat Ini

Akhir-akhir ini, investor membanjiri ICO berkat prospek produk-produknya yang diajukan dibangun pada sistem yang berjalan pada Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) juga dikenal dengan teknologi blockchain yang diperkirakan oleh banyak orang sebagai revolusioner, yang menyebabkan naik tajamnya pendanaan ICO akhir-akhir ini seperti terlihat pada grafik CoinDesk berikut.



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Karena pengembang teknologi berupaya mengintegrasikan token digital (kontrak pintar) ke pengalaman pengguna (user experience) produk/layanan mereka yang terintegrasi dengan blockchain, pendanaan-kripto melalui ICO muncul sebagai alternatif bagi pendanaan tradisional. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang blockchain, fintech dan ICO, kunjungi laman resmi Financial Commission di

August 15th, 2017 Financial Commission, a leading external dispute resolution (EDR) organization catering to the financial services industry, operated by FinaCom PLC, announces the convening of roundtable on August, 29 at 6 pm (Moscow time) to discuss how forex business may develop in the environment of stricter regulation both in Russia and globally.

Stricter regulation of the forex market both in Russia and globally calls into question the existence of many brokerage companies. Leading experts in the industry will gather at the roundtable on August, 29 at 6 pm (Moscow time) to discuss how forex business may develop in such environment, what regions are attractive for entrance and how to promote such services. Petr Tatarnikov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Financial Commission, Nikolai Isaev, CEO of the Dartek Consulting, and Valentina Drofa, Director General of Drofa communications agency will take part in the event. The round table will be an online event.


“With the start of the market regulation era in Russia and tightening of the business in the UK and Europe in general, forex companies costs have significantly increased. However, there are still chances for development: for example, the US market can be opened for new players because of the abolition of the Dodd-Frank law, besides some peripheral Russian-speaking countries show some interest in forex. Which markets to enter and how exactly to do it, will be discussed in detail at our event,” Peter Tatarnikov commented.




“Access to the market for unregulated participants will soon be closed completely. What alternative jurisdictions may be of interest, what is the stand of the Russian regulator on the matter of forex industry and what to do with tools that are not yet affected by the law, meaning e.g. binary options – here is a far from complete list of issues to discuss during the round table, Isayev adds.




“The idea of the event surfaced as a result of my communication with the owners of forex companies over the past 3-4 months. The key question everybody asks now – how to work to remain effective in the ever tighter environment. In order to give the most information on the issue, we decided to gather experts in one place and to talk about how we see the development of the industry, ” Valentina Drofa says.


The round table is intended for owners and employees of financial companies only. Registration for the event is required. You can register by the link

For details of participation, please, call +7499 110 41 72

August 15th, 2017, The Financial Commission, a leading financial services independent external dispute resolution (EDR) organization, today announced the successful certification of trading platform provided by Umstel.


umstel-logo The Financial Commission conducted its rigorous review of Umstel’s trading platform, to ensure they met the technical information requirements of the Commission’s technology certification evaluation process. The Financial Commission established a comprehensive list of points to verify including system security, capacity, business disaster recovery and a continuity plan, as well as reporting and record keeping, among other fields deemed important to certify.


Financial Commission Chairman Peter Tatarnikov said regarding the new certification, “In order to provide traders with fair dispute resolution we must fully understand their system’s construction and working process. Umstel’s trading platform is the latest technology certified by the Financial Commission. We will be happy to see more software providers certifying their products with us. Today we gladly announce successful certification of Umstel’s trading platform and believe it is a great step to leverage its credibility and grow its business globally.”

About Umstel

Umstel DMA multi-asset web based trading platform developed for financial institutes features one of the fastest industry web based financial charts and advanced technical analysis tools including 33 technical indicators, 30 technical objects and 9 default 100+ custom timeframe. The platform also supports multi chart mode instantly changing chart layouts in one click. The mode supports up to 6 charts. All charts can be linked  to an instrument that user selects in terminal workspaces. As a result, a click on the instrument ticker refreshes charts with corresponded instrument, no need to spend time for typing. Umstel supports following types of orders: Market, Limit & Stop. Orders executed directly on stock exchanges within milliseconds. The best execution price guaranteed by exchange. Umstel features custom and system watchlists. User can edit custom watchlists by adding/removing instruments. System watchlists like Top losers, Top gainers, Volume leaders updated by system in real-time.

About Financial Commission

The Financial Commission is an external dispute resolution (EDR) organization for consumers/traders who are unable to resolve disputes with financial services providers that are members of the Financial Commission. The Financial Commission set out to provide a new approach for traders and brokers alike to resolve any issues that arise in the course of trading the Forex market. The Financial Commission was established to be a neutral 3rd party committee to fairly review and resolve complaints in an effort to facilitate a simpler, swifter resolution than through industry regulators and the legal system.

Technology developers seeking membership status with the Financial Commission can learn more about the process and expected requirements as part of the technology certification process in advance of applying for membership or in the preparation of submitting an application.

For more information, please contact The Financial Commission: [email protected]

August 10, 2017: Financial Commission adds 24/7 Options Trade to its Warning List





About Warning List

The warning list is to inform the public of companies that we do not recommend to trade with, following numerous reports and complaints filed by customers regarding non-member firms concerning fraud or wrongdoing, which includes the conduct listed below:

August 10th, 2017 Financial Commission, a leading external dispute resolution (EDR) organization catering to the financial services industry, operated by FinaCom PLC, today announces that the membership status of ServiceCom LTD (MTrading) has ceased following a voluntary withdrawal.


MTrading had met its obligations as a Financial Commission member in all cases where complaints had been brought forward against the broker up until August 9th, 2017 when its membership was effectively withdrawn.

Financial Commission notes that it will not be able to process any new complaints from MTrading, following its voluntary withdrawal of membership from Financial Commission as of the date of this announcement and moving forward or until membership is approved again.

Furthermore, MTrading’s clients will not be eligible for reimbursement from Financial Commission’s compensation fund as a non-member, since the compensation fund can only be used by clients of approved members, and subject to ruling by our Dispute Resolution Committee. The compensation fund is designed to help protect members’ clients in exceptional cases and is funded by Financial Commission from a portion of membership dues.

An updated list of current and prior members can be found on, including members that have either been expelled, suspended, or withdrawn voluntarily.

Financial Commission is a leading independent self-regulatory organization whose members include online brokerages and exchanges, across Forex, CFDs, derivative and cryptocurrency markets, as well as certified providers and developers of trading platform technology used by members and their end-clients who are retail traders and investors.

Financial Commission requires that member firms strictly adhere to membership rules to maintain good standing on an ongoing basis. To learn more about our membership requirements and certification process, contact us or visit

August 3, 2017: Financial Commission, a leading External Dispute Resolution (EDR) organization, operated by FinaCom PLC, servicing online Forex and CFD brokerages and technology providers within the financial services industry, today announces support for the recent findings in a report published by Traction Fintech.

A recent article was published by regulatory compliance specialist Traction Fintech, which examined differences between over-the-counter (OTC) leveraged derivatives such as contracts for difference (CFD) including forex across four jurisdictions.

The full report referenced in the article was authored by James O’Neill, a director of the Australian-based broker ILQ and compared requirements related to client money handling, fair market pricing, leverage, and capital requirements across Australia, Cyprus, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US).

Financial Commission supports the need for jurisdictions to improve rules surrounding client money handling and fair price discovery methods (such as the Global FX Code) to help uphold best execution at global forex and CFD brokerages, among other topics explored in the report.

Comparing Four Major Jurisdictions

A table in the article, which can be seen below, provides a high-level overview of the differences across each country and comes shortly after Australia’s government revised legislation under the Corporations Act related to how trust accounts are handled aimed to help safeguard client funds.




Fair pricing and execution

The author of the report noted that Cyprus and Australia underperform in ensuring fair and transparent pricing by brokers, compared to the United States and the United Kingdom, and suggested that Australia consider specific rules to address its mandate under rule 912(1)(a). For example, the current definition of market making in Australia is very general and would make it hard to contest asymmetric slippage in terms of infringing on the mandate.

The author added that the obligations in Cyprus’ regulations – namely article 36 of the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2007, go beyond the Australian equivalent when it comes to asymmetric price slippage when executing client’s orders (although both trailed behind the US and the UK).

In terms of comparing differences in how customer monies are handled in each jurisdiction by authorized brokerages, the author argued some of the advantages and disadvantages of allowing brokers to add capital to help buffer client’s accounts to avoid a shortfall.

Account buffering and trust account rules

For example, in the case of trust accounts in the US where buffering is permitted – a broker can commingle its own money into client’s accounts to help maintain excess capital and avoid a shortfall in the required margin (i.e. during periods of high volatility).

The author argued that commingling a broker’s own money into clients trust accounts could blur the line between the funds belonging to the trust and that of the broker’s money in the case of insolvency.

Meanwhile, brokers that can use client money to hedge and for margining purpose endorses the idea that not all brokers who are the counterparty to a client’s trade are acting as market-makers.

Furthermore, permitting the use of client funds for hedging and margining could blur the line between proprietary trading and the hedging that is common for a matched principal. The author also pointed out the systemic risk that exists with client segregated accounts when the funds are pooled together in the same account, and how this could be remedied if it was required that each client’s funds be held in a separate bank account.

Cathie Armour, a Commissioner at the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) commented regarding the rule changes: “The amendments to the client money regime made in the Bill have strengthened the protection of client money that is provided to retail derivative clients. Doing so will help to increase investor confidence in the Australian financial system.”

Sophie Gerber, Director of Traction Fintech commented in the article, “This has been a very divisive issue in the industry.  What may have been a more beneficial approach to this issue would be to have disallowed the use of the Corporations Act provisions for using client money for margining/hedging etc. with related parties and also prohibiting the payment of any form of conflicted remuneration in these relationships.  Time will show us whether these reforms have or have not benefited the industry, I think, unfortunately, in this case, the retail client will not see any benefits, and over the next few years the outcomes will be reduced competition and increased costs.”

The author noted that despite the rule revisions client’s money is still pooled in the same bank account and not protected from counter-party risk in the case of broker insolvency. He added how ASIC’s prohibition of allowing a buffer contrasted with other jurisdictions where maintaining excess capital is required for instance in the US.


As leveraged forex and CFD trading are done from a margin account, the minimum margin requirements often vary from broker to broker with a wave of restrictions in recent years reducing the maximum leverage that can be offered in different countries.

The author explained that leverage is often blamed as the cause for clients’ losses, and while such restrictions have been put in place in many major jurisdictions, the UK has yet to put in place a cap. And while high leverage has been appealing for many traders, in jurisdictions such as Japan, a reduction of leverage doesn’t appear to have hindered its retail forex industry, as lower leverage may have instead helped it become a more accepted asset class for household investors.

The article cited an extensive list of industry news articles including announcements from regulators, to see the full article click here.

© Traction Fintech

August 2, 2017, Financial Commission, a leading External Dispute Resolution (EDR) catering to the online brokerage industry, operated by FinaCom PLC, today announces the addition of Communication Agency Drofa as an approved service provider to its Partners section on

Drofa Communication Agency Drofa helps companies and their top managers to become interesting for Mass Media and their target audiences. If you want people to know about you, CA Drofa will give you a helping hand.

Financial Commission has created its Partners section for service providers approved to offer their solutions to our members. DrofaCA is now available for our Members and provides such services as corporate PR, personal PR, special mass media projects, event planning, publishing and analysis and research.

The tasks of the agency in Finacom will include members consulting on promotion, PR, communication strategy building, as well as media support of the Financial Commission activities.

drofa “Partnership with Finacom is very honorable, as the organization brings together the best experts in the forex market, creating a unique professional environment for resolving disputes in financial markets. Now our agency is also among those who influence the global development of forex, which means that our clients will have access to even more useful services available not only in Russia but also in international markets,” says Valentina Drofa, Director General of Drofa CA.


peter Financial Commission Chairman, Peter Tatarnikov, said: “We recommend only professional partners to the members of the Financial Commission, and this is the case with Drofa CA. Our main goal is to increase confidence in the industry, and among other things, this is achieved by increasing the efficiency and transparency of each company on the market. The agency’s assistance in improving the internal processes of financial companies, marketing, positioning and financial services selling will certainly help in achieving the stated goals.

In addition, we want the general public to know about the activities of the Finacom, understanding our mission and objectives. We are pleased to welcome Drofa CA as our new Partner and believe that cooperation with Drofa will increase the awareness of financial services consumers about their free of charge tool to protect their rights.”

About Drofa CA

Agency was created in 2013. Before that, each partner worked in the finance field and promoted separate companies as well as their own projects. Over the years, the Agency managed to bring to market a number of new financial companies, increase sales figures of several brokerages and hold different conferences and forums.

CA Drofa will help you to:

About Financial Commission

The Financial Commission is an external dispute resolution (EDR) organization for consumers/traders who are unable to resolve disputes with financial services providers that are members of the Financial Commission. To learn more about our requirements or to apply for membership, please contact us.

July 24, 2017: Financial Commission adds FX Group to its Warning List




About Warning List

The warning list is to inform the public of companies that we do not recommend to trade with, following numerous reports and complaints filed by customers regarding non-member firms concerning fraud or wrongdoing, which includes the conduct listed below:

July 24, 2017: Financial Commission adds Finance Trade Group to its Warning List


Finance Trade Group

About Warning List

The warning list is to inform the public of companies that we do not recommend to trade with, following numerous reports and complaints filed by customers regarding non-member firms concerning fraud or wrongdoing, which includes the conduct listed below:

If you are trading in the forex market, then you are probably wondering how well your broker is executing your orders. And if you’re not wondering this, then maybe now is the time to start being inquisitive.

Unfortunately, brokers do not provide their clients with tools that confirm the execution quality of orders. This doesn’t necessarily mean that traders are given poor performance, but it does not confirm the opposite either.

In a decentralized market such as Forex, there is no single price available for everyone, and the quotes of market makers may differ from one another. In this regard, the average trader does not have the opportunity to assess the quality of execution, except to independently analyze the prices of different brokers at every point in time. Without the correct technology, this is a time consuming and difficult task.

But now there is just such a tool! Introducing VerifyMyTrade, an independent data repository that provides post-trade analysis of order execution for Forex transactions.

As expected, after the launch of the service the developers received a lot of feedback, both positive and negative. Many financial service providers agreed that this tool creates the ground for disagreement because it may lead traders to draw inaccurate conclusions about the quality of order execution. In fairness it must be said that this service cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of performance evaluation, but at least it provides some general indication of correctness.

At the same time, almost all those who responded supported the initiative because it really seeks to shed light on the process of pricing in the forex market. I absolutely agree with all the arguments and I want to explain why. Let’s introduce an example of two mobile users in one city. The first pays $ 100 per month and the second only $ 80. Many people might think that the first one overpays. However, can one make a comparative assessment without a detailed estimate of the quantity and duration of calls, as well as other options available in the contract? No, this simply isn’t impossible. In this respect the Forex market is no different; without understanding at what moment a trader concludes deals and what volumes, it is impossible to accurately assess the quality of performance. However, we all understand that in any market there is always a realistic price range within which the purchase of goods or services should not cause any surprise to the consumer.

From the above example I suggest looking at VerifyMyTrade from the perspective of what the service is trying to achieve: Firstly, to determine whether the price received from your dealer is out of range when compared to prices received from other dealers. Secondly, to show how competitive the pricing was in comparison with the prices of other market participants – a factor that is dependent on many factors; as shown in the cell phone example above.

Let’s have a look at the real problem faced by dealers and traders every day. In the overwhelming majority of cases, traders only recheck the execution price of loss-making trades. When one makes a loss, it is human psychology dictates one to go and check whose fault it was. We are convinced that there was an error, and that somebody else was at fault!


What does the trader do in this situation?


As a rule, he looks at the price of execution of his trade, and then looks for a dealer whose price at the time of execution was more beneficial to the executed trade. The problem is that within the structure of a decentralized market, the probability of finding a more beneficial price is very high, and on this basis the trader submits a claim to the dealer.


What does the dealer do in this case?

no The dealer reminds the trader of the decentralized nature of the forex market, highlights the legal terms and conditions according to which the dealer has the final say in determining the market price! That is it, the dealer does not even want to enter into a dialogue about the availability of a better price somewhere else


Problem – Conflict of interest


From this moment on the disagreements begin. Only an independent third party such as the Financial Commission is capable of judging such cases. Despite signed the legal documents, the trader sees only loopholes and biases and considers himself deceived. He no longer wants to listen to any arguments of the dealer and believes that the contract is structured in such a way as to give the dealer absolute legal power for all occasions.


Solving the problem at the stage of its occurrence

Verify My Trade An educated trader is a loyal customer. VerifyMyTrade gives traders an understanding of what a decentralized market is before he independently comes to some conclusions and lodges a claim. By providing traders with a tool for analyzing the quality of their own traders, the dealer declares transparency and commitment to honest business. The client will then learn that price execution does not exist only as “correct” or “incorrect”, but with many varying options and factors in between. As a consequence, even if an execution problem is found the client will look at this as an error rather than as malicious intent.


Position of the Financial Commission

finCom_150 The mission of our organization is to create a more honest and reliable environment in the Forex market. This mission is realized by bringing together brokers who are committed to observing the highest standards of commercial honor and best business practices, as well as the promoting the growth of trader knowledge about the inner workings of the Forex market. VerifyMyTrade is an excellent initiative designed to increase the transparency of the industry and the level of awareness of traders – making it a perfect fit with the mission of our organization.

July 6, 2017: Financial Commission, a leading External Dispute Resolution (EDR) organization, operated by FinaCom PLC, servicing online Forex and CFD brokerages and technology providers within the financial services industry, today announces the appointment of Alexey Sidorov to its Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC).

Enhancing the DRC structure

Alexey Sidorov

Alexey Sidorov is the latest industry expert to join the Financial Commission’s DRC – which consists of a diverse panel of industry professionals, who follow a non-bias protocol to process and resolve complaints from our members’ clients.

Alexey Sidorov – Chairman of the Financial Market Development Association of Belarus (ARFIN) is a prominent financial markets economist with senior-level executive experience which includes serving for private companies and governmental financial institutions over a career spanning 17 years.


Peter Tatarnnikov, Financial Commission Chairman, said “We are extremely pleased to welcome Alexey Sidorov to the Financial Commission’s Dispute Resolution Committee. Alexey is a proven leader who has held several top level positions for governmental regulatory institutions in key roles relevant to forex regulations, and also brings valuable experience from in the banking sector as an economist.”

About Alexey Sidorov

In his most recent position, Alexey was Deputy Head of the Department for Foreign Economic Activities Monitoring at National Bank which drafted legal regulatory acts under the main directorate for currency regulation and currency control. Alexey held this role from 2013 through June 2016, and his work involved monitoring foreign trade activities and drafting appropriate regulations to meet policy needs as Deputy Head of the department.

Before his promotion to the role of Deputy Head, Alexey was Chief Economist at National Bank, for eight years from 2005 through 2013, and during that time was an adviser (councillor) for the currency regulation department within the main administration of currency regulation and currency control. This department drafted legal acts and maintained existing rules for currency regulations and under Alexey’s guidance.

From 2001 to 2005 before joining National Bank, Alexey was senior economist at Infobank (JSCB) within the active operations department which managed the bank’s loan portfolio and sale of banking products.

Alexey studied at the Belarussian State Economic University in the Faculty of Banking with a specialization in finance and credit, from 1997 to 2002, prior to embarking on his career in finance.


ARFIN (the Financial Market Development Association of Belarus) is a non-profit, membership based association of brokerage organizations operating on Forex market. ARFIN’s main goal is to develop effective regulatory measures for the Belorussian financial markets and to work out a set of management standards for the industry as well as norms to protect the interests of private investors.

About Financial Commission

The Financial Commission is an external dispute resolution (EDR) organization for consumers/traders who are unable to resolve disputes with financial services providers that are members of the Financial Commission. To learn more about our requirements or to apply for membership, please contact us.

June 21, 2017 – Financial Commission, a leading external dispute resolution (EDR) organization, operated by FinaCom PLC, and serving the online forex and CFD brokerage industry, today announces the launch of a strategic partnership with Verify My Trade – a third-party data repository that provides post-trade execution analysis on individual forex trades.  

Verify My Trade As part of the partnership, clients of a broker that are members with Financial Commission will be able to use the Verify My Trade analysis tool on an individual trade basis across nine major currency pairs.


Verify My Trade aggregates forex price tick data from retail brokers into its repository and uses a box plot method to segment trades by execution quality for any given second of the trading week. Customers simply enter five key pieces of information about their particular trade, including the following:

The analysis results of each report will help provide greater resources for clients in cases when a specific trade is in question, as they will be able to asses the execution quality for each trade using the Verify My Trade analysis tool, making it an all-around benefit to all parties when it comes to execution-related trade disputes.




Financial Commission Chairman, Peter Tatarnikov said: “We’re delighted to offer the Verify My Trade analysis tool to our members so that their clients can check any of their forex trades, using an independent third-party service. The Verify My Trade execution analysis tool complements our in-house capabilities and serves as additional verification in cases when poor execution quality arises.”

“This tool should help reduce the instances when a trade that was properly executed unnecessarily escalates into an unresolved complaint that must be then filed with Financial Commission for remediation.”

“As we attempt to reduce the number of execution-related disputes that occur before they progress into formal complaints filed with Financial Commission, we’re demonstrating that offering this solution shows our strong commitment to the dispute resolution process and upholds our commitment to education.”

To learn more about Verify My Trade, visit and more information about Financial Commission membership requirements, please contact or visit our official website:

June 15, 2017: Financial Commission, a leading External Dispute Resolution (EDR) organization, operated by FinaCom PLC, servicing online brokerages and technology providers within the financial services industry, today announces the appointment of Brian Phillips to its Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC).

Enhancing the DRC structure

Brian Phillips is the latest industry expert to join the Financial Commission’s DRC – which consists of a diverse panel of industry professionals, who follow a non-bias protocol in order to process and resolve complaints from our members’ clients.


Brian began his career at Goldman Sachs within the Fixed Income, Currencies and Commodities (FICC) Division. He was instrumental in expanding the business into new markets and helped build out the liquidity, API, algo and platform offerings for hedge funds, banks, asset managers and retail broker clients. After extensive work within the institutional space at Goldman Sachs, Brian founded Argosy Global Advisors.


As Brian Phillips commented: “The Financial Commission is a much needed entity within our market and has proven to be very valuable to its members and to the trading community it protects. I appreciate the opportunity to serve among other industry leaders and continue to help grow and protect our global marketplace.”


peter Peter Tatarnikov, Financial Commission, Chairman, said: “Brian is a senior industry veteran who understands the technology needs of multi-asset brokers and their clients, and in key areas such as liquidity, execution, and risk-management. We are pleased to welcome him as the latest DRC appointee at Financial Commission.”


About Argosy Global Advisors

Argosy specializes in risk management, liquidity optimization and technology implementation. Their chief mission is to partner with retail brokers to increase profitability and drive growth for their clients. The company provides multiple solutions for clients to manage and visualize risk that lead to higher yields and increased volumes across multiple asset classes. Brian and his team have a proven track record of creating risk/reward profiles for each broker to optimize profitability. Argosy’s clients benefit from their global network of technology and liquidity partners whether they are start-ups or Tier 1 providers.

About Financial Commission

The Financial Commission is an external dispute resolution (EDR) organization for consumers/traders who are unable to resolve disputes with financial services providers that are members of the Financial Commission. To learn more about our requirements or to apply for membership, please contact us.