


截至事发当天,客户用金融工具USOIL建立了21个空头头寸,总交易量为538手。账户事件发生在2021年1月4日中午12点31分34秒(服务器时间)。在该时刻,经纪商从客户建立的USOIL头寸中扣除了所有隔夜费用。由此导致的结果是:由于保证金不足(止损出局),从客户账户中扣除奖金资金,并强制平仓了客户的部分头寸,具体包括编号为56617870、56617871、56617872、56618848、56618862、56623804、56623805、56623832、56623833、56623834、56691961的头寸。本次事件给客户造成的损失总计6135.30美元。 此外值得注意的是,在事件发生后不久,客户手动以市场价格补充了剩余的USOIL头寸,额外造成了1006美元的损失。



投诉人 经纪商
金融委员会投诉 #ZZZ
投诉提出日期 投诉提交日期
17/01/2020 28/01/2021



  1. 根据经纪商提供的信息,自2020年12月23日起,他们发生了针对USOIL头寸的隔夜利息(Swap)计算错误,并将错误费用向客户收取。2021年1月4日,在实际调整之前,经纪商向受影响客户发送了通知,告知正在进行调查并很快会做出相应调整。当天,调整完成并向受影响客户发送了沟通通知。在此情况下,经纪商声称其完全遵守了监管文件的规定,并引用了《客户协议》中的相关条款:

2.5 账户费用及信用 ……

(c) 如果我们发现对任何费用计算有误,将在28天内书面通知您进行修正。 ……

3.5 报价错误 报价错误可能会不时发生。在这些情况下,我们可能对您的持仓要素进行调整。更多关于我们如何进行此类调整的信息,请参阅产品披露声明第3.7节。 ……

12.1 责任免除 在法律允许的最大范围内,我们不对以下情况负责:

    1. f) 可能发生的任何错误;
    2. h) 协议中或我们提供的其他任何信息中的错误、不准确、不合适或遗漏,无论是否出于疏忽;
    3. i) 因交易平台不可用、交易平台系统和数据错误、延迟、不准确、错误或遗漏以及其他提供给您的数据错误、软件病毒或未经授权使用交易平台而遭受的损失或索赔。
  1. 此外,经纪商声称,客户获得信用奖金的前提是其账户权益余额不得低于信用余额,否则将移除信用奖金,这一点在《奖励促销活动条款与条件》第16条中有明确规定:
  1. 若您的账户权益余额低于信用余额,交易信用将被移除,且未平仓交易将会被关闭。


  1. 应当指出的是,客户账户的交易条款规定了浮动点差以及20%的强制平仓比例(Stop Out)。这一信息在经纪商的监管文件中有明确阐述(参见产品计划表)。通过开设选定类型的交易账户,客户同意接受由公司提供的交易条款。根据经纪商的说法,在发生事件时,客户账户上的权益/保证金比率已跌破了关键的20%水平。因此,由于保证金不足,客户编号为56617870、56617871、56617872、56618848、56618862、56623804、56623805、56623832、56623833、56623834、56691961的头寸被自动在市场上按照当时可获得的价格进行了强制平仓。这一事实由经纪商提供的服务器日志记录得到了证实。
  2. 很明显,从法律角度来看,经纪商完全遵循了其监管文件的规定。同时需要注意的是,从运营角度看,经纪商的做法似乎并不十分专业。经纪商犯下错误后,仅仅在两周后才趁机修复问题,而没有向客户解释具体情况,也没有给予客户补充资金或减小头寸的机会。
  3. 金融委员会致力于推动行业广泛认可的最佳商业实践,即如果出现由经纪商引起的问题,应尽可能减少对客户的影响,并迅速提供解决方案以减轻对客户持仓产生的负面影响。



裁定支持 赔偿
客户 7000 USD
如果您对此调查有任何疑问,请将问题发送至以下邮箱地址:[email protected]
签名 指定 日期
 Anatoly Bulanov

Head of DRC






客户交易账户的事件发生在2021年2月22日加密货币市场的闪崩期间,具体时间为服务器时间16:23。在该特定时刻,由于金融市场短期波动急剧上升以及随后ETHUSD金融工具价格出现不利变动,客户持有的多个头寸编号分别为## 215349578、215349585、215349594、215349606、215349616、215349623、215349629、215349635、215349641、215349653、215349660、215349665、215349675、215349680、215349687、215349693、215349701、215349710、215349717、215349723、215349730、215349737、215349743、215349752、215349758、215349766、215349775、215349782、215349787、215349794、215349799、215349807、215349812、215349817、215349824、215349831、215349836,由于保证金不足(止损),被经纪商强制平仓。此次事件导致客户累计损失金额达7343.52美元。


鉴于上述情况,客户请求金融委员会的争议解决委员会核实经纪商在事件期间的行为是否恰当以及涉及争议的交易##215349578、215349585、215349594、215349606、215349616、215349623、215349629、215349635、215349641、215349653、215349660、215349665、215349675、215349680、215349687、215349693、215349701、215349710、215349717、215349723、215349730、215349737、215349743、215349752、215349758、215349766、215349775、215349782、215349787、215349794、215349799、215349807、215349812、215349817、215349824、215349831、215349836 的执行是否正确,并要求赔偿因该事件导致的7343.52美元经济损失。作为书面证据,客户提供了从经纪商交易平台获取的,在事故发生期间ETHUSD金融工具价格动态的截图。

作为回应,经纪商认为客户投诉缺乏依据。在经纪商看来,所有客户的头寸均按照实际市场价格及公司制定的监管文件条款和交易规则正确进行了平仓处理。为了佐证这一观点,经纪商向调查方提供了客户交易历史记录、服务器日志记录以及从流动性提供者处获得的事故期间ETHUSD金融工具的逐笔数据(tick data)历史记录。

投诉人 经纪商
金融委员会投诉 #ZZZ
 投诉提出日期 投诉提交日期
22/02/2021 02/03/2021


  1. 首先,值得注意的是,客户交易账户发生的事件发生在市场参与者大规模平仓获利的背景下,在此之前,加密货币市场大幅上涨,ETHUSD资产在事发前夜达到心理关口2000美元。市场波动性的增长以及随之而来的流动性显著降低是波动期间市场的典型反应。客户应理解此类情况会根本性地改变报价流动,通常会导致价格跳空、点差扩大以及订单执行时出现滑点。客户应当意识到在这样的市场条件下交易伴随有重大风险。
  2. 其次,根据经纪商提供的信息,被客户质疑的ETHUSD金融工具的报价来自其流动性提供商——Kraken加密货币交易所。而Kraken交易所的历史逐笔数据显示,在事发期间,针对ETHUSD工具的买入价(决定多头头寸关闭的价格)曾降至690美元水平。同时,在经纪商平台上,买入价的最低值记录为997.92美元。经纪商解释称,报价差异的原因在于其交易系统采用了过滤机制,不允许严重偏离前一个报价的单个报价进入报价流。
  3. 根据公司网站“交易条件”部分中所规定的交易条件,客户账户类型设定的止损(Stop Out)水平为10%。在事发当时,客户的交易账户保证金比例已经跌至低于该临界值,因此,经纪商按照协议规定强制平仓了客户的所有亏损头寸。这一事实通过经纪商提供的交易服务器日志记录得到了验证。具体而言,在《客户协议》中的条款:
  4. 第四,还需指出的是,由于客户没有对其开放头寸设置可能财务损失的上限限制(尽管他可以这样做,正如他在设置盈利上限时所做的那样),因此在特定情况下,客户承担了其交易账户资金完全损失的风险。对于所有存在争议的头寸,客户均设置了待定的止盈订单,目标价位为1676.23美元。
  5. 第五,客户在其投诉中提到经纪商交易服务器的技术问题及其交易终端冻结的情况,据称这些都发生在事发期间,剥夺了他管理交易账户和监控金融市场价格动态的机会。此外,客户声称受影响的客户群体中有5%的账户在这次下跌中幸免于难,尽管他们使用了相同的交易算法(EA)。对此,以下几点需要说明:
      • 应客户要求,经纪商分析了MT5 Pro服务器的运行情况。收集到的数据表明,在事发当天,客户没有任何未执行的订单,也没有登录交易平台失败的尝试。平台整体运行分析显示,数百名其他客户成功登录并进行了交易操作。这些事实由经纪商提供的服务器日志条目予以证实。
      • 使用“相同交易策略”的账户并不能保证同样的结果。此外,目前经纪商并未掌握关于客户提及的其他账户的任何数据,相应地,委员会专家无法研究或评论这种情况。许多不同因素可能导致相似的结果,例如即使在同一台服务器上运行相同的Expert Advisor,并以相同参数发送订单,但由于执行价格的不同,两个账户的交易结果可能会有所差异
      • 订单并非在数据中心执行,而是在集中执行所有账户开立在上面的交易服务器上执行。并且不存在针对性的细分或按数据中心划分客户。任何客户可以选择任何可用的数据中心连接,交易平台会自动为客户选择ping值最小的数据中心。
      • 客户放置的限价订单##215349838, 215349839, 215349840, 215349842, 215349843, 215349844, 215349845, 215349846, 215349847, 215349848用于在更低价格开设新的多头头寸,它们在16:23:03即止损发生的同时激活,但由于客户交易账户上不足以开启指定头寸的可用保证金,这些订单立即被取消。交易服务器的日志记录也证实了这一事实。

    2021.02.22 16:23:03.276   ‘37012959’: new account state: Assets: 0.00, Liabilities: 0.00, Equity -5118195.65, Margin: 585468.32, Free Margin: -5703663.97

    2021.02.22 16:23:03.276   ‘37012959’: order #215349848 was canceled – not enough money for order activation [#215349848 buy limit 9.18518K ETHUSD at 1583.97]

    2021.02.22 16:23:03.292   ‘37012959’: position stop out triggered [#215349836 buy 1.48346K ETHUSD 1631.75 tp: 1676.23] [#215397080 sell 1.48346K ETHUSD at 997.92] [997.92 / 1249.34]

  6. 不同截图中图表显示不同的原因在于,其中一个截图是在当前价格尚存在的15分钟周期结束之前拍摄的,而另一个截图则是在蜡烛图形态完成之后拍摄的。这是MetaTrader平台的标准图表绘制逻辑。在金融市场交易中,尤其是采用K线图(蜡烛图)进行技术分析时,每个新的时间周期(例如15分钟、30分钟或日线等)会在该周期结束后才形成完整的蜡烛形态,并更新至图表上。因此,在同一事件的不同时间节点所抓取的截图会显示出不完全一致的价格信息和蜡烛形态。


综合上述情况及考虑到了事发电器市场的异常状况以及经纪商提供的书面证据,委员会专家以多数票决定支持经纪商。据此决定,委员会专家认为,在事发时经纪商强制平仓客户亏损头寸## 215349578, 215349585, 215349594, 215349606, 215349616, 215349623, 215349629, 215349635, 215349641, 215349653, 215349660, 215349665, 215349675, 215349680, 215349687, 215349693, 215349701, 215349710, 215349717, 215349723, 215349730, 215349737, 215349743, 215349752, 215349758, 215349766, 215349775, 215349782, 215349787, 215349794, 215349799, 215349807, 215349812, 215349817, 215349824, 215349831, 215349836的操作正确且按照经纪商监管文件的规定及公司采用的交易规则执行。另外,根据DRC专家的一致意见,经纪商应告知客户其报价来源于哪个加密货币交易所,以避免未来产生类似的疑问。



裁定支持 赔偿
如果您对此调查有任何疑问,请将问题发送至以下邮箱地址:[email protected]
签名 指定 日期
 Anatoly Bulanov

Head of DRC








1.4.3. 客户将遵循诚信、诚实和理性的原则;客户不会与其他公司客户协调行动以损害公司利益;客户不会利用交易平台报价流更新的技术特点,也不会利用发现的交易平台软件错误、缺陷和漏洞来获取收入,更不会将这些漏洞信息泄露给第三方;客户不会采用不公平或不诚实的方法或手段与公司进行交易;客户不会使用内幕信息或保密信息,或者使用任何可能使客户在与公司交易时受益并/或可能损害公司的其他信息。


Complainant Broker
Financial Commission Complaint #ZZZ
Complaint Raising Date Complaint Filing Date
12/07/2020 14/07/2020


  1. 首先,应当指出的是,客户交易账户发生问题的背景是,在事故发生前夕,加密货币市场大幅上涨,ETHUSD资产触及了重要的心理价位2000美元之后,众多市场参与者纷纷采取行动锁定利润。市场波动性的增长以及随之而来的流动性大幅下降,是市场波动期间的一种典型反应。客户应该认识到此类情况会从根本上改变报价流,通常会导致价格跳空、点差扩大及订单执行过程中的滑点现象。客户应当明白,在这样的市场条件下进行交易伴随着巨大的风险。
  2. 经纪商指出,2020年6月6日至7月1日期间,客户使用了不公平和不诚实的交易(买卖)方法或手段与公司进行交易。根据欧盟国家采纳的市场滥用定义,这种情况属于市场滥用行为:市场滥用是指某一个或多个市场参与者参与的交易活动使其获得了不合理的优势。在欧盟区域内,市场滥用包括两个方面:
  3. 为了证明其立场,即客户采取了旨在操纵比特币金融工具价格的行为,并因此在经纪商平台立即获得无风险利润,经纪商引用了从币安交易所交易平台获取的分析信息。据经纪商所述,作为全球最大的加密货币交易所,拥有最大量的加密货币交易额,发生在币安交易所的交易对全世界任何其他网站上的加密资产报价,特别是对经纪商平台上广播的此类资产报价,具有最大的影响力。
  4. 决议委员会核查了经纪商关于客户通过操纵特定资产价格以获取利润这一事实声明是否符合实际情况。为此,委员会审查了由经纪商提供的文件证据和分析信息。经过审计后,委员会得出以下结论:

    1)在交易# 1319057826的生命周期内,只需31,163美元就足以实现-0.01%的收益率。
    2)在交易# 1324114443的生命周期内,只需6,828美元就足以实现02%的收益率。
    3)在交易# 1328236807的生命周期内,只需99,096美元就足以实现02%的收益率。
    c)根据客户在事件期间的交易操作历史记录,客户利用了比特币资产价格的小幅下跌/上涨(-0.01%/0.02%),通过三次短线交易## 1319057826、1324114443、1328236807,最终获得了总计10,940美元的利润。d)在账户被冻结时,客户的交易账户状态如下:
    -初始存款金额为4,015.01 USD,
    -提现金额为0 USD,
    -奖励资金为4,005.01 USD,
    -账户余额为19,028.46 USD(初始存款4,015.01 USD + 奖励资金4,005.01 USD + 盈利金额11,008.44 USD。

  5. 基于上述信息,决议委员会成员达成一致意见:
  6. 委员会中有多位成员认为经纪商提出的论据不足。他们指出,如果经纪商允许交易低流动性加密资产的期权,那么应当预见这些资产每日可能出现高达10%-20%幅度的重大价格波动。若要降低风险,经纪商必须建立完善的风险管理体系。如果没有这样的体系,在提供流动性较差资产交易的同时,经纪商应停止相关服务,以防止未来客户利用其基础设施的弱点。

基于以上观点,委员会全体成员认为,经纪商没有足够的理由断定客户在交易平台上的操作违反了其监管文件的规定。委员会认为,经纪商应对争议交易(编号分别为## 1319057826, 1324114443, 1328236807)的财务结果予以认可,并解冻客户的交易账户。

总结来说,纠纷解决委员会未发现客户存在任何违规行为,并坚持认为经纪商必须满足客户要求,即全面解除对其交易账户# 63226192的冻结状态,并允许提取初始存款及累计利润共计15023.45美元。


裁定支持 赔偿
客户 11008.44 USD 
如果您对此调查有任何疑问,请将问题发送至以下邮箱地址:[email protected]
签名 指定 日期
 Anatoly Bulanov

Head of DRC


Complaint Matter

Mrs. XXXXXX has lodged her complaint with the Financial Commission on the following grounds:

The Client used account # 2100064231 for active trading operations in the FOREX market. The incident occurred on January 26, 2018 at 00:01:57 (server time). By the time of the incident several positions in GBPUSD were established by the Client on the specified account:

Ticket Open Time             Type Volume Item Price S/L T/P Close time Price Swap Profit
17417482 2018.01.19 13:35:35 sell   0.2 GBPUSD 1.38711 0 1.38681 2018.01.26 00:01:57 1.41508 -0.99 -559.4
17441405 2018.01.23 06:11:12 sell   0.2 GBPUSD 1.39785 0 1.38681 2018.01.26 00:01:57 1.41508 -0.71 -344.6
17521949 2018.01.25 16:32:56 buy 1.5 GBPUSD 1.43084 0 0 2018.01.26 00:01:57 1.41508 -10.5 -2 662.5
17534988 2018.01.25 22:32:54 sell   1.1 GBPUSD 1.41333 0 0 2018.01.26 00:01:57 1.41508 -0.78 -192.5


Thus, by the time of the incident:

According to the Client, before the incident she cancelled T/P and S/L orders in order to manage her positions manually, since the president Trump’s speech was scheduled later that day.  However, after some time she discovered that her trading platform lost connection with the server. She contacted two representatives of the Broker’s via Facebook chat but didn’t get any useful advice or help from them. Market experienced a round of high volatility after the president Trump started to deliver his speech. This, in turn, caused widening of the spread in the financial instrument GBPUSD. As a result, all Client’s positions were liquidated by the Broker due to deficit of margin (Stop Out).

The Client believes that all losses on her trading account were incurred by the technical update of the server on Broker’s side. Client claims that she was unable to connect to the server and failed to manage her open positions as well as establish new hedge positions for the period of two hours.    

In connection with the above, the Client requests the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission to investigate the incident and believes that the Broker should compensate all losses ($3772) incurred from the technical issue mentioned above. The Client provided the screenshots of the frozen terminal taken at the time of the incident, the records from the terminal logs taken from two different PCs, as well as the screenshots of Facebook chat, as documentary evidence.

For his part, the Broker does not see any grounds for the Client’s complaint, as in his opinion, all Client’s positions were closed correctly, at real market prices and in accordance with the provisions of the regulatory documents. The Broker claims that no upgrades were released during market hours on January 25-26, 2018 and the Client was served as honestly and professionally as always, however information provided by the Client contains some accusations towards the company that are based on non-existent and distorted factual circumstances presented in the complaint.

Because this case involved specific trades conducted by the client, the complaint was classified as a “trade-related” dispute. Unfortunately, the DRC was unable to receive necessary server logs and other information from the Broker to conduct a thorough analysis of the trades in question.

As such, the DRC had to rely on all factual and documentary evidence provided by both broker and client to issue a decision and was not able to independently verify pricing and tick data. Given the abundance of evidence of a technical malfunction on the Broker’s trading server and the reluctance of the Broker to provide additional information from their execution venue for review of trade executions, the DRC issued a decision in the client’s favor in full.

Complainant Broker
Financial Commission Complaint #ZZZ
Complaint Raising Date Complaint Filing Date
26/01/2018 29/01/2018
Complaint response:

The decision on this complaint is based on the information provided by Mrs. XXXXXX and the brokerage company XXXXX.

After a comprehensive analysis of the documentary evidence provided by the Client and  the Broker the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission has come to the following conclusions:

  1. First, it should be noted that the Client has provided significant evidence of system failure. The records from two different terminal logs, as well as screenshots of the frozen trading platform provided by the Client, show the same technical problem – multiple failed trials of the Client to connect to the server.
  2. Also, it should be noted, that the Broker refused to provide server logs which can show whether the XXX server was running at the time of the incident or not. Server logs contain not only the trading operations but also various service records, which make it possible to understand that the trading server was turned on and worked normally. These logs were not provided to DRC members for review.
  3. Taking into account the documentary evidence provided by the Client (screenshots from Facebook), the experts of the DRC have come to the conclusion that at the time of the incident the Client was trying to contact Broker’s representatives in order to resolve the problem with her trading account. In turn, the Broker’s staff had a good opportunity to explain to the Client that there are alternative ways to close positions but refused to do so.

Summarizing all the above the Dispute Resolution Committee ruled in favor of the Client. Members of the Committee believe that canceling the financial results of the disputed transactions is a fair decision in this case. Accordingly, the Broker should compensate the losses of the Client in the amount of $3772.

This complaint was reviewed by the members of the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission and was processed by the Head of the Committee.

Ruled in Favor Compensation
Client 3772.00 USD
If you have any questions regarding this investigation, please send them to the following address [email protected]
I certify that all information was considered by the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission and hereby confirm that the decision was made fairly, impartially and without interference. I am confident that the information provided in the document is true.
Signature Designation Date
 Anatoly Bulanov

Head of DRC

March 7th 2018

Complaint Matter

Mr. XXX has lodged his complaint with the Financial Commission on the following grounds:

The Client used account #XXXXX for active trading in Binary Options. The incident on the Client’s account occurred on May 11, 2018. On that day the Broker refused to execute the withdrawal application submitted by the Client and blocked all funds in the amount of 1724.84 USD on his trading account. The Broker accuses the Client in violation of the Service Agreement for trading on non-market prices. In turn, the Client claims that he has been trading with the Broker for several months using the same strategy and considers the actions of the Broker as unfair.

In connection with the above, the Client requests the Dispute Resolution Committee to check the correctness of execution of the disputed transactions and release the funds in the amount 1724.84 USD for withdrawal.

In turn, the Broker does not see any grounds for the Client’s complaint and claims that after performing an audit of all Client’s transactions, the Company came to the conclusion that the Client was trading on the platform solely on non-market quotes. According to the Broker, all large transactions opened by the Client at 00: 00: XX on May 2, May 1 and earlier in April were executed on non-market prices. In support of his decision, the Broker provided the history of transactions performed by the Client (with a number of disputed transactions highlighted by the Broker), as well as the screenshots of two disputed transactions (## 443230214, 453677578), taken from www.tradeproofer.com, as documentary evidence.

In this particular case, the DRC one again classified the complaint as a “trade-related dispute” and as such conducted a price and execution analysis of the trades. The results identified trades that were executed under normal market conditions with prices comparable to independent execution venues but also identified trades that were executed at “off-market” rates.

As such, the decision, in this case, was made in favor of the client, but partially, since there were some trades identified as “off-market” in the investigation phase of the resolution process that, in the opinion of the DRC, do not warrant a return of trade results back to the customer.

Complainant Broker
Financial Commission Complaint #ZZZ
Complaint Raising Date Complaint Filing Date
14/05/2018 15/05/2018
Complaint response:

The decision on this complaint is based on the information provided by the brokerage company and Mr. XXXXX.

After a comprehensive analysis of the documentary evidence provided by the Client and the Broker the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission has come to the following conclusions:

  1. First of all, it should be noted that in order to make a decision on this case, the DRC conducted a thorough analysis of the Client’s trading activity on account # XXXXXX. To ensure an objective investigation of the case the DRC requested historical data on the financial instruments in the disputed transactions from other independent providers of financial services.
  2. Verification of price feeds from other brokerage companies confirmed the fact that the majority of all large transactions opened by the Client at 00: 00: XX on May 2, May 1 and earlier in April were executed at real market prices.
  3. Also, significant deviations in the Broker’s quote feed were registered at the time of execution of the following transactions: ## 435806744, 435806766, 435806981, 443231124, 443230049, 443230006, 443232420, 443230214, 453677578, 453677530, 455609306, 455609281, 455609345, 455609378, 455609391. This confirms the fact that a number of transactions performed by the Client at 00: 00: XX on May 2, May 1 and earlier in April were executed at non-market prices, since the quotes published by the Broker at the moment of execution of these transactions were non-consistent with acceptable market prices.

Summarizing all the above the DRC has made a decision in favor of the Client. The members of the DRC have not found any evidence proving the fact that the Client somehow violated any provisions of the Service Agreement, and as such, should be allowed to withdraw his funds without any restrictions. However, the DRC has found sufficient evidence proving the fact that the disputed transactions ## 435806744, 435806766, 435806981, 443230049, 443230006, 443232420, 443230214, 453677578, 453677530, 455609306, 455609281, 455609345, 455609378, 455609391 were executed at non-market prices, and as such, the financial results of these transactions (profit in the amount of 427.17 USD) should be canceled by the Broker.

This complaint was reviewed by the members of the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission and was processed by the Head of the Committee.

Ruled in Favor Compensation
Client 1297.67 USD
If you have any questions regarding this investigation, please send them to the following address [email protected]
I certify that all information was considered by the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission and hereby confirm that the decision was made fairly, impartially and without interference. I am confident that the information provided in the document is true.
Signature Designation Date
 Anatoly Bulanov

Head of DRC

June 8th 2018

Complaint Matter

Mr. XXX has lodged his complaint with the Financial Commission on the following grounds:

The Client used trading account #XXXXX for trading operations on the Binary Options market.

The incident on the client’s trading account occurred on March 14th, 2018. At the time of the incident, between 00:10:03 and 00:13:21 (server time) the client opened several positions on the currency pair GBPCHF (12 positions at 4,000 rubles in size and 1 position at 5,100 rubles in size). Further, according to the client, the trading platform experienced a technical issue, during which the price charts for GBPCHF stopped moving on the trading platform, after which a message appeared “trading in GBPCHF has been stopped due to technical reasons”. As a result, all 13 open positions were closed by the broker and resulted in a material loss. It is the client’s opinion that the prices displayed for GBPCHF on the trading platform at the time of the incident were “off-market” rates that significantly differ from the prices available at other trade execution venues.

Considering the above, the client has asked the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) of the Financial Commission to check the validity of the trade executions on the client’s account and is demanding a compensation from their broker in the amount of 84,960 rubles (account balance of 53,100 rubles + unrealized profit in the amount of 31,860 rubles), which were lost as a result of the executed trades on the broker’s platform. The client provided documentary evidence to the DRC in the form of written communications with the broker, screenshots of their trading platform during the technical malfunction, historical rates for GBPCHF pair taken from the trading platform of finam.ru, as well as screenshots of GBPCHF price charts taken from the website investing.com.

For its part, the Broker decided that it would be a fair decision in this particular case to cancel all the trades conducted by the client on the trading platform on March 14th, 2018. As such, all trade results were annulled by the Broker.

In studying the facts of the case the DRC determined this to be a “trade-related dispute”. Trade disputes are related directly to the process of trading on the markets and include the execution of orders, margin requirement calculations, commission and trade cost calculations, trade liquidations and other situations directly related to placing trades on the Forex, CFD, and Binary Options markets.  

As such, the Committee conducted a thorough review of the client’s trades, the execution prices and the prices available at other independent execution venues. As a result, the DRC found that the broker unnecessarily annulled the results of all trades and determined which specific trades were executed under normal market conditions.

It is with this determination that the DRC ruled partially in the customer’s favor – to restore the P/L from transactions that executed in normal market conditions.

Complainant Broker
Financial Commission Complaint #ZZZ
Complaint Raising Date Complaint Filing Date
14/03/2018 22/03/2018
Complaint response:

The decision for this complaint is based on the information provided by the Client and the Broker.

To ensure an objective investigation of the incident, the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) of the Financial Commission closely examined the documentary evidence provided by the parties to the dispute. Having analyzed the materials of the complaint, the Dispute Resolution Committee has come to the following conclusions:

The disputed transactions on GBPCHF were analyzed by the DRC to ensure that trades were executed at real market prices. To conduct this unbiased analysis the DRC received historical price data from several independent execution venues. The analysis of the tick price data showed:

  1. Transactions ## 413830671, 413830688 should not be challenged, since they were executed and closed at reasonable, live market rates.
  2. Transactions ## 413830720, 413830756 should not be challenged, since they were executed at reasonable, live market rates and even though they were closed at rates that signaled a technical error was about to occur, since the closing price did not affect the material outcome of the trade.
  3. All further transactions and trading results (## 413831298, 413831304, 413831316, 413831322, 413831354, 413831367, 413831374, 413831458, 413831710, 413831718, 413832271, 413832294, 413832319) should be annulled because they were opened and closed at “off-market” rates according to the DRC’s analysis.

Taking into account the above-mentioned trade execution analysis, the DRC is of the opinion that the Broker should reinstate the trading results (P/L) for transactions ## 413830671, 413830688, 413830720, 413830756 and compensate the client 9,600 rubles, which equals the amount of profit/loss resulting from these transactions.

This complaint was reviewed by the members of the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission and was processed by the Head of the Committee.

Ruled in Favor Compensation
Client 9,600 rubles
If you have any questions regarding this investigation, please send them to the following address [email protected]
I certify that all information was considered by the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission and hereby confirm that the decision was made fairly, impartially and without interference. I am confident that the information provided in the document is true.
Signature Designation Date
 Anatoly Bulanov

Head of DRC

April 6th 2018

Complaint Matter

Ms. XXX has lodged his complaint with Financial Commission on the following grounds:

The Client used trading account #XXXXX for trading operations on the Forex and CFD market. Having had little to no experience trading the markets, the Client used the services of an investment consultant (a representative of the broker XXXX).

At the time of the alleged incident described in the complaint the Client held open positions LONG and SHORT (including hedged positions) in several financial instruments:

-sum of SHORT position size on Aluminium equal to 1.40 contracts,

-sum of LONG position size on Aluminium equal to 1.40 contracts,

-NET position size on Aluminium equal to 0.00 contracts;

– sum of SHORT position size on  Palladium equal to 0.50 contracts,

– sum of LONG position size on Palladium equal to 1.00 contracts,

– NET position size on Palladium equal to 0.50 contracts;

– sum of SHORT position size on Platinum equal to 0.50 contracts,

– sum of LONG position size on Platinum equal to 0.50 contracts,

– NET position size on Platinum equal to 0.00 contracts;

– sum of SHORT position size on Crude Oil equal to 0.50 contracts,

– sum of LONG position size on Crude Oil equal to 0.50 contracts,

– NET position size on Crude Oil equal to 0.00 contracts;

– sum of SHORT position size on USDRUB equal to 340000 of base currency,

– sum of LONG position size on USDRUB equal to 50000 of base currency,

– NET position size on USDRUB equal to 290000 of base currency;

– sum of LONG position size on Gold equal to 0.10 contracts;

-sum of SHORT position size on USDJPY equal to 20000 of base currency.

The incident occured on the Client’s account on November 30th, 2017 at 16:20 (trading server time). At this time a new SHORT position was established in the account on the USDRUB currency pair:


Ticket Open time Type Volume Item Price S/L T/P Close time Price Swap Profit
1483737 30.11.2016 16:20 sell 3.00 usdrub 63.4520 0.00 0.00 30.11.2016 16:20 65.4491 0.00 -9 154.14


The opening of the order #1483737 led to the decrease in margin on the account to a critical level and, as a result led to the liquidation of all open positions on the account by the Broker (Stop Out).

The Client states that she believes her trading account deposit was lost due to the deliberate actions of the investment consultant. In supporting this conclusion the Client argues that the investment consultant: opened too many trades, did not employ simple rules of equity management, placed trades in products with high spreads, frequent use of hedging in trading. The Client is requesting the Broker to return funds in the amount of $16343 that were deposit in the trading account. The documentary evidence provided by the Client includes a trading account statement for account #XXXXXX, as well as audio recordings of conversations with a representative of Broker YYYYY.

The Broker believes the Client’s complaint is not justified and does not take any responsibility for the losses incurred on the Clients’ account, because, as stated by the Broker, the Client was made aware of all risks involved in trading leveraged products on the financial market. The appropriate risk disclosures were provided to the Client in electronic format during the account opening process.

Moreover, the Broker indicated that all trades conducted on the Client’s account were made either directly by the Client or by the investment consultant after receiving verbal confirmation from the Client.

Following the Dispute Resolution Committee’s decision in the case, the Broker did not satisfy the DRC’s decision to compensate the client within 28 days, according to the Rules and Guidelines of the Financial Commission.

Because the Broker failed to satisfy the decision, the Commission took emergency action to assist the Client and invoked the use of the Compensation Fund to compensate the Client for their losses identified in the DRC decision. As a result, the Client was awarded the maximum amount of $5000 from the Compensation Fund, as the Broker was a Category B member.

Furthermore, the Commission took action and expelled the Broker’s membership with the Financial Commission.

Complainant Broker
Financial Commission Complaint #ZZZ
Complaint Raising Date Complaint Filing Date
30/11/2016 11/01/2017
Complaint response:

The decision for this complaint is based on the information provided by the Client and the Broker.

To ensure an objective investigation of the incident, the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) of the Financial Commission closely examined the documentary evidence provided by the parties to the dispute. Having analyzed the materials of the complaint, the Dispute Resolution Committee has come to the following conclusions:

  1. With regards to the financial losses incurred by the Client due to the trading conducted by the investment consultant it is necessary to note that the Client should have been aware of all the risk associated with using or not using any trading strategy provided by the investment consultant:
  • According to section 7 of the Customer Agreement

7.1 The Company does not consult the Client on the benefits of any specific trade order or otherwise provide any other consulting regarding investments, and the Client agrees that the services do not include investment consultations on financial instruments, base markets or equity. The Client makes trading decisions exclusively of their own accord, including to place trading orders.

7.2 The Company is not required to provide any legal, tax or other advise associated with any trades. If the Client wishes, they can consult with an independent party on such matters before executing a trade.

  • The Client completed a Client questionnaire and in doing so should have evaluated their risk tolerance and also provided an acknowledgement that they accept the Terms of service with the Company that states that “the Client shall decide how to manage their account, place orders and make decisions of their own fruition.”
  • The Company takes adequate steps to provide risk warnings to customers that can result in trading non-exchange traded products, including risk warnings displayed on the Company website and electronic messages addresses to clients:

Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFD’s involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital. Please click here to read full Risk Disclosure. Safekeeping and Brokerage services are provided by XXXX. with license number YYYY, address in ZZZZ. XXXX does not establish accounts to residents or passport holders of certain jurisdictions including Canada and USA.

  1. It is also important to point out that the Client is not disputing the any verbal instructions that she gave to the investment consultant for conducting trades on her account. This is confirmed by audio recordings provided by the client.


  1. Nonetheless, there is one instance which points to the responsibility of the Broker for partial losses incurred on the Client’s account. In particular, the Broker could not provide the Dispute Resolution Committee comments on trade #XXXXXX, which, according to the account statements provided by the Broker was closed at an off market rate (i.e. without the spread amount of 2 RUB). This fact puts into question the validity of trade  #XXXXXX and all other subsequent trades in the account (including trade #ZZZZZ), which led to the liquidation of positions on the account and subsequent losses.


  1. In response to its questions the DRC did not receive in a timely matter other evidence requested from the Broker, including trading server logs indicating tick pricing on the USDRUB currency pair at the time of the incident.

As such, having reviewed all the facts and circumstances of the dispute, the DRC has come to unanimous agreement that trades #XXXXX and ZZZZZZ) conducted on trading account #XXXXX should be deemed invalid and the results of these trades annulled. Given this determination, the Broker must compensate the Client for losses incurred with trades #XXXXX and #ZZZZZZ in the sum of $9233.90.

This complaint was reviewed by the members of the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission and was processed by the Head of the Committee.

Ruled in Favor Compensation
Client $9233.90
If you have any questions regarding this investigation, please send them to the following address [email protected]
I certify that all information was considered by the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission and hereby confirm that the decision was made fairly, impartially and without interference. I am confident that the information provided in the document is true.
Signature Designation Date
 Anatoly Bulanov

Head of DRC

March 6th 2017


Complaint Matter

Ms. XXX has lodged his complaint with Financial Commission on the following grounds:

The Client used trading account #XXXXX for trading operations on the Forex and CFD market. Having had little to no experience trading the markets, the Client used the services of an investment consultant (a representative of the broker XXXX).

The Client states that she believes her trading account deposit was lost due to the deliberate actions of the investment consultant. In the words of the Client in the beginning of the process of working with the consultant, the Client did not conduct any self-directed trades as they relied on the consultant to place trades on her behalf in the trading account using a remote access program called TeamViewer. After the trading account lost considerable equity (approximately $2000) the client was introduced to another investment consultant of the Broker, who conducted a series of trades with metals contracts, as instructed by the Client herself. As a result, the subsequent trades in the account led to the Client losing her full initial deposit amount.

The Client is requesting the Broker to return funds in the amount of the initial deposit less $150, which was withdrawn from the account on December 13th 2016 ($2082). The documentary evidence provided by the Client includes a trading account statement for account #XXXXXX, as well as screenshot of an electronic message from the investment consultant with instructions on downloading the TeamViewer program.

The Broker believes the Client’s complaint is not justified and does not take any responsibility for the losses incurred on the Clients’ account, because, as stated by the Broker, the Client was made aware of all risks involved in trading leveraged products on the financial market. The appropriate risk disclosures were provided to the Client in electronic format during the account opening process.

Moreover, the Broker indicated that all trades conducted on the Client’s account were made either directly by the Client or by the investment consultant after receiving verbal confirmation from the Client.

Following the Dispute Resolution Committee’s decision in the case, the Broker did not satisfy the DRC’s decision to compensate the client within 28 days, according to the Rules and Guidelines of the Financial Commission.

Because the Broker failed to satisfy the decision, the Commission took emergency action to assist the Client and invoked the use of the Compensation Fund to compensate the Client for their losses identified in the DRC decision. As a result, the Client was awarded $2082 from the Compensation Fund.

Furthermore, the Commission took action and expelled the Broker’s membership with the Financial Commission


Complainant Broker
Financial Commission Complaint #ZZZ
Complaint Raising Date Complaint Filing Date
16/12/2016 04/01/2017
Complaint response:

The decision for this complaint is based on the information provided by the Client and the Broker.

To ensure an objective investigation of the incident, the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission closely examined the documentary evidence provided by the parties to the dispute. Having analyzed the materials of the complaint, the Dispute Resolution Committee has come to the following conclusions:

  1. With regards to the financial losses incurred by the Client due to the trading conducted by the investment consultant it is necessary to note that the Client should have been aware of all the risk associated with using or not using any trading strategy provided by the investment consultant:
  • According to section 7 of the Customer Agreement

7.1 The Company does not consult the Client on the benefits of any specific trade order or otherwise provide any other consulting regarding investments, and the Client agrees that the services do not include investment consultations on financial instruments, base markets or equity. The Client makes trading decisions exclusively of their own accord, including to place trading orders.

7.2 The Company is not required to provide any legal, tax or other advise associated with any trades. If the Client wishes, they can consult with an independent party on such matters before executing a trade.

  • The Client completed a Client questionnaire and in doing so should have evaluated their risk tolerance and also provided an acknowledgement that they accept the Terms of service with the Company that states that “the Client shall decide how to manage their account, place orders and make decisions of their own fruition.”
  • The Company takes adequate steps to provide risk warnings to customers that can result in trading non-exchange traded products, including risk warnings displayed on the Company website and electronic messages addresses to clients:

Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFD’s involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital. Please click here to read full Risk Disclosure. Safekeeping and Brokerage services are provided by XXXX. with license number YYYY, address in ZZZZ. XXXX does not establish accounts to residents or passport holders of certain jurisdictions including Canada and USA.

  1. On the other hand, the Client states that they never agreed to allow the first investment consultant to place trades on her account, verbally or otherwise. In this regard it is important to note that the broker did not provide the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) evidence of audio recordings with the Client in a timely manner as set out in the Membership Rules and Guidelines. Thus no evidence was provided indicating that the Client gave verbal agreement to the investment consultant to conduct trades on her account. This puts into question the Broker’s statement regarding the full responsibility of the Client for all the trades conducted in the account.

As such, having reviewed all the facts and circumstances of the dispute, the DRC has come to unanimous agreement that all the trades conducted on trading account #XXXXX should be deemed invalid. Given this determination, the Broker must compensate the Client for all losses incurred on the account in the sum of $2082.

This complaint was reviewed by the members of the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission and was processed by the Head of the Committee.

Ruled in Favor Compensation
Client $ 2082
If you have any questions regarding this investigation, please send them to the following address [email protected]
I certify that all information was considered by the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission and hereby confirm that the decision was made fairly, impartially and without interference. I am confident that the information provided in the document is true.
Signature Designation Date
 Anatoly Bulanov

Head of DRC

March 7th 2017


Complaint Matter

Mr. XXX has lodged his complaint with Financial Commission on the following grounds:

The Client used account #XXXXX for trading operations in the Forex and CFD markets. The incident occurred on 29.04.2016 shortly before the end of the US trading session on Friday. By the time of the incident, the client established a SHORT position in USDJPY:

27464405      29.04.2016      18:00      sell       15       usdjpy         106.894        107.453        0.000

According to the Client, he placed his Stop Loss order at 107.453 price level, however, the Take Profit order was not set, because the trade was under his full control. After a short period of time, the client’s position was closed by Stop Loss order with a slippage of several points.

The client does not agree with the actions of the Broker and believes that his position was closed at the non-market price. This follows from a comparison of USDJPY price graph in the platform of the Broker with the similar price graphs of other financial services providers.

The client considers the actions of the Broker as unfair and requires:

– to recover funds lost due to improper closing of the short position ($8469.69);

– to compensate for unrealized gains on closed position in the amount of $26150.

For its part, the Broker believes that the Client’s complaint has no ground because his order was executed at real market prices. In support of his decision, the Broker provided the investigation with the server log records and the screenshot of the 1m chart of the instrument.

In addition to the above, the Broker refers to the paragraph XX.XX of the Terms of Business, according to which “The Trading Server of the Broker is the only reliable source of quotations, by which any relationship between both Sides arising from the Customer Agreement, the Terms of Business and other documents of the Company will be governed.”

Complainant Broker
Financial Commission Complaint #ZZZ
Complaint Raising Date Complaint Filing Date
29/04/2016 7/06/2016
Complaint Response

The decision for this complaint is based on the information provided by Mr. XXX and Broker YYY. In order to investigate the incident and to make an objective decision on the complaint, the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission closely examined the price dynamics of USDJPY in the period before and after the incident.After a comprehensive analysis of the market situation in the USDJPY instrument at the time of the incident, the Committee concluded that there were non-market prices in the quote feed of the Broker.

Thus, the Committee considers that the transaction, which resulted in a Stop Loss order execution, should be canceled. Broker must compensate the losses incurred in a transaction # 27464405 in full ($ 8469.69).

As for the customer’s requirements on partial or full reimbursement of the amount of unrealized profit, which was lost because of Broker’s misconduct, the Committee considers that this is not acceptable, because the Client did not indicate his intentions with respect to his open position, and it cannot be assumed what kind of actions he would take in relation to his position otherwise.

In addition, the Committee members consider unacceptable the restoration of the Customer’s position after a long period of time, and in connection with the inability to initiate the trade at the original price.

This complaint was reviewed by the members of the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission and was processed by the Head of the Committee.

Ruled in Favor Compensation
Client $ 8469.69
If you have any questions regarding this investigation, please send them to the following address [email protected]
I certify that all information was considered by the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Financial Commission and hereby confirm that the decision was made fairly, impartially and without interference. I am confident that the information provided in the document is true.
Signature Designation Date
 Anatoly Bulanov

Head of DRC





客户称其经纪服务商按照《交易条款》9.9 和 9.22 条内容,以“非市场报价”删除、修改了其欧元兑卢布的一系列已关闭交易。

根据客户的意见,经纪服务商试图证明这些报价是由于违反了“客户协议” 16.1 b 条而产生的技术失误,亦即当这些条款的盈利被记录在客户的账户中的时候,经纪商迟后改变了交易条件。



1. 这个案子并未涉及到经纪商引用的“交易条款”第 10.1 条所述的最后一项条件。根据“交易条款” 10.1 条,非市场报价或者说跳空报价都只是错误价格,并且具有如下特征:

a) 明显的价格跳空;

b) 短期跳空价都有价格反弹;

c) 在跳空前都没有快速价格剧烈波动;

d) 没有宏观经济数据发布,或者同时也没有可以影响价格的全国性数据报告.

2. 客户认为,经纪商在官网上提供的此段行情中的非市场报价与欧元兑卢布汇率报价没有关系。

3. 客户提供了其他经纪商欧元兑卢布汇率在此段剧烈波动价格时间段的分时图截屏。


索诉者 经纪商
金融委员会投诉 编号#ZZZ
投诉起始日 索诉受理日
2014年11月15日 2014年12月1日



1) 在此期间,卢布波动剧烈,市场经历着加剧的波动和清淡交易。这时任何新闻或央行消息,抑或其他市场大单都可能引起汇率价格大幅波动;

2) 客户在此期间并未改变交易策略,也没有试图欺骗经纪商。根据经纪商报告显示,客户并未有激进的交易行为,同时客户也没有在类似条件下改变交易策略;

3) 经纪商不应迟后改变交易条件,也应注意到可能的卢布汇率波动。在交投清淡时关闭盈利交易单被判定为故意拒付客户款项;

4) 经纪商拥有足够的手段以在交投清淡时规避交易风险,特别是对于交投清淡的汇率商品,应该制定特别的交易规则;



胜诉方 补偿
客户 $ 4742.62
如果您有关于仲裁评审的任何问题,请发邮件到:[email protected]
签名 责任人 日期




XXX 先生已基于以下事宜向金融委员会提起投诉:

事件发生于2015年11月6日,当时美国非农就业报告公布。此前,客户账户余额为 13501卢布,客户已开立 EURUSD多个头寸。事件发生之前,客户建立的EURUSD 空头头寸总值为 80000 基础货币单位。就在报告公布前,客户又增加了三个卖出止损(Sell Stop)挂单:

146331265   06.11.2015 卖  0.20  EURUSD   1.08500 (订单由于资金不足而未被执行)

146330490  06.11.2015 卖  1.50  EURUSD    1.08300 (订单被执行)

                       06.11.2015 卖  1.50  EURUSD   1.08000 (订单未被执行)

格林尼治标准时间 13:30,市场由于美国失业数据而出现一段激烈价格波动。当报告公布的当口,EURUSD 市场一下子出现了超出10个点位的跳空。

客户投诉其经纪商违反了在价格跳空时开立挂单的程序,从而导致保证金亏损,于是客户头寸被斩仓清盘。客户认为编号为 146331265的挂单应该先被执行,而不是编号为 146330490 的挂单被执行,并认为一旦执行正确,编号为 146330490 的订单就会由于缺乏资金而被取消。


投诉者 经纪商
XXX 先生 YYY 经纪商
金融委员会投诉 编号ZZZ
投诉起始日 投诉受理日
2015年11月17日 2015年12月4日





胜诉方 赔偿
若您有任何有关本稽查的问题,请发邮件到以下邮箱:[email protected]
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在瑞士央行宣布了它放弃瑞士法郎相对欧元和其他货币汇率下限引发汇率持续增值的动荡行情之后,元月15日客户的两单价格与市场行情不一致的欧元兑瑞郎的头寸被斩仓,尽管欧元兑瑞郎汇率急速下挫,客户的两张0.01份欧元兑瑞郎空头头寸单在瑞士央行通告之后被一个与市场报价1.20水平相反的的价穿刺价位1.33的非市场价格平仓。客户声称此次斩仓价位不但与市场价格完全不符,而且也使他丧失了瑞行宣布后行情价格大幅下滑而获利的机会。客户与经纪商取得了联系,经纪商初步做出了拒绝他以当时实际接近0.85的市场价位结算的要求。在金融委员会仲裁征询客户是否获得经纪商任何的补偿的时候,他确认收到了经纪商的保证金返还。 客户要求他的两张头寸在0.85的点位进行平仓,并重开被注销的PAMM账户,以便可以交易或提款。 客户给出了关于他的PAMM账户头寸情况信息。

投诉者 经纪商
XXX 先生 YYY 公司
金融委员会投诉 编号#ZZZ
投诉起始日 投诉受理日
2015年1月15日 2015年12月4日
投诉回复 ***经纪商回应确认动荡行情发生于瑞士央行宣布政策之时。经纪商声明当时其专家监测到他们的流动性供应商提供的价位和交易量指标在两台服务器上显示最高挑到1.3269。 经纪商声称他们的对冲交易没有被修正或取消,尽管他们试图这样做。 然而经纪商对MT4交易行情图进行了修正,并且决定对其客户进行因行情引起的损失补偿。客户的账户获得了85.12美元和61.13欧元的补偿。 他也及时地收到了通知。此补偿决定基于客户和YYY经纪商提供的信息。综上情况,争议解决会发现情况有利客户。争议解决会发现瑞行宣布后的反向价格穿刺与市场报价并不一致,并注意到经纪商采取行动补偿了客户。 争议解决会发现客户应该在有机会反映其损失机会的同时,更应获得一种公平补偿。争议解决会承认经纪商在做出决定时会遇到进一步补偿客户的技术问题。 然而,解决会认为经纪商不必要对客户基于已发生交易数据而可能取得的全部假设收入负有赔付责任。
胜诉方 补偿
客户  会员经纪商决定
如果您对本案有任何问题,请发电邮:[email protected]
签名 责任人 日期




XXX 先生以下列事件为由向金融委员会提出投诉:


投诉者 经纪商
XXX 先生 YYY 公司
金融委员会投诉 编号#ZZZ
投诉起始日 投诉受理日
2014年11月28日 2014年12月18日





胜诉方 补偿
客户 $1,434.81
If 如果您对本仲裁案有任何问题,请发邮件至: [email protected]
签名 职位 日期




在2013年2月14日开立了交易账户 #XXXXX 之后,投诉人使用多种支付方式进行了多次入金。客户账户入金总金额为 32143.25美元。2013年9月5日,客户做了额度为170美元的试验提款。2013年11月8日,客户第一次提交了3000美元的提款要求。2013年11月11日,客户又提交了3000美元的第二次提款要求。客户确认其所有的提款要求都送达到了经纪商的管理部门及其私人经理人。

2013年11月12日,争议开始发生。此日经纪商锁定了客户的交易账户,强行平仓了客户的头寸,导致总计 25980美元的亏损。为了为其行为辩解,经纪商引述一个事实,即客户于2013年7月8日对其入金操作进行了退款操作。经纪商声明客户使用的支付方已提示客户其退款操作关联2013年7月8日#ZZZZZ的3000美元的入金交易。同时提供了此退款操作号ARN(受让人参考号)。此退款操作于2013年11月8日被执行。

2013年11月22日,客户收到经纪商汇出的3000美元电子汇款。接下来的三个月中,客户一直在与经纪商交涉以解决此争端。客户坚持认为他没有进行退款操作,并提供了银行确认通知单作为调查证据。2013年2月25日,客户从其交易账户中提取剩余账户资金 15780美元。


申请人姓名 经纪商
向金融委员会的投诉 # ХХ
投诉日期 投诉提交日期
2013/11/12 2014/03/14

交易帐号:XXXXX。客户从2013年2月开始进行账户交易活动。客户使用了多种入金方式,包括多家银行卡。客户投资账户入金总额为 32143.25美元。 2013年11月12日,经纪商锁定了客户的交易账户,并强行平仓其头寸,导致 25980美元亏损。根据经纪商所述,锁定客户账户的原因是客户进行了一次退款操作。





a) 客户已经提供了足够的文件证据表明没有试图进行退款操作从而导致其合作伙伴(经纪商)的实际财务损失。





本投诉审核意见由争端解决会的成员做出,并由争端解决会会长 Anatoly Bulanov负责执行。

胜诉方 补偿
客户 经纪商意见
如果你对本投诉审议结果有任何疑义,请发邮件到 [email protected]
签名 职位 日期
争端解决会会长 2014/03/31


客户使用三个微账户 #XXXXX, #YYYYY 和 #ZZZZZ同时进行交易。


2014年2月14日,在因GBPUSD行情价反转引起的可用保证金不足的情况下而发生争议。客户决定增加一定数额的资金到账户中以免头寸被强制平仓(Stop Out),希望行情很快可以反转。客户通知经纪商的在线客服代表,并要求保持账户的杠杆比例500:1不变,因为如果增加资金进入账户,余额超过了3000美元的限制。经纪商回应客户建议——他通过从账户中提取部分款项的方式削减余额。客户提交了提款请求,然而最终他的浮动亏损头寸被止损离场。



投诉人 经纪商
金融委员会投诉 #XX
投诉起始日 投诉成文日
2014/2/4 2014/3/1
投诉要件:客户就如下向金融委员会提起投诉:客户使用三个微账户 #XXXXX, #YYYYY 和 #ZZZZZ同时进行交易。

每个账户在不同的时间段开立了GBPUSD的多个空头头寸。之后由于GBPUSD 汇率行情反转导致保证金不足,所有浮亏头寸都被经纪商强制平仓(Stop Out 操作)。


对投诉的回应:对此投诉的裁定基于经纪商和客户双方提供的信息。根据经纪商设定的微账户交易条款,任何客户都可选择杠杆比例从 1:1 到 500:1不等,但是每个账户余额不可超过3000美元。此外,如若账户余额超过了3000美元,则杠杆比例自动缩减100倍(即杠杆比例从 1:1 到 5:1)。强行平仓水平也已在经纪商网站明确声明(剩余20%的时候)。经纪公司在其网站的“交易条款”章节已公示了所有的交易条件。另外,交易条款也在注册账号之时对客户列明。接受交易条款,客户即确认他了解账户保证金要求,也理解账户保证金余额变更要求。综上所述,很明显,经纪人向客户提供了可接受的交易条件,尽管从客户角度来看这些条件不够理想。因此,争端解决会认为经纪商没有违反交易条款,也没有找到可对经纪商提起索诉的任何根据。

此投诉已由金融委员会之争端解决会认真考虑,并由解决会会长 Anatoly Bulanov结案。

被支持方 补偿
如果您有关于本调查结论的任何疑义,请发邮件到[email protected]
签名 职务 日期

